Clare is a Principal Consultant at Hyas, with over 15 years overall experience, across project management, strategy development and planning policy in both District and Unitary Councils. She most recently worked for Buckinghamshire Council (previously Aylesbury Vale District Council/Buckinghamshire County Council) where she was responsible for the establishment and ongoing delivery of the ‘Aylesbury Garden Town’ initiative.
Clare has extensive skills in project management, stakeholder coordination, policy preparation and implementation particularly for town wide growth initiatives including regeneration and strategic sites.
Prior to joining Hyas, Clare was project manager for the Aylesbury Garden Town initiative since it joined the Government programme in 2017. As a pioneer of the next generation of Garden Towns, Aylesbury is a pilot project for the wider application of Garden City principles across the local authority area and the UK. The role has involved close working between Buckinghamshire Council (BC), the Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership (Bucks LEP), and Homes England.
Clare has led on various workstreams as part of the initiative, including on stewardship, masterplanning and the delivery of wider corporate objectives. She has been involved in the preparation of policy documents relating to a number of urban extensions at Aylesbury including various sites towards the south (AGT1) and east of the town (Berryfields) alongside the rejuvenation of Aylesbury town centre and delivery of cross cutting infrastructure (such as the Aylesbury ‘Gardenway’ concept).
As a Senior Planner, Clare has led various aspects of local policy development including the preparation of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan, related evidence base studies and topic papers as well as a number of Supplementary Planning Documents and site specific masterplans/development frameworks.
- Mobile: 07835 244233