Project Description
- Project: Polesworth & Dordon Strategic Site
- Location: Atherstone, Warwickshire
- Client: North Warwickshire Borough Council
- Accommodation: 2,000 new homes
- Planning authority: North Warwickshire Borough Council
- Started: 2018
- Completed: 2019

Hyas have been commissioned by North Warwickshire Borough Council (NWBC) to support the preparation of a robust strategic site allocation policy and accompanying evidence base for a key strategic site at Polesworth and Dordon.
The site is proposed to be allocated in the emerging Local Plan, to be adopted in 2018 and has capacity to deliver up to 2,000 homes and new neighbourhood facilities as an extension to the communities of Polesworth and Dordon near Atherstone.
Hyas support is focussed on helping the Council and landowners to create a robust strategic site allocation policy, including the preparation of a high level concept plan to guide future planning of the site.
Hyas have provided consultancy support in auditing the evidence base for the site to establish an understanding of when homes can come forward and agree what work needs to be done ahead of an Examination in Public to demonstrate deliverability.
Hyas have also reviewed examples of good practice from elsewhere in terms of approaches to strategic site allocations and provided support in further evolution of the policy basis, including consideration of the role of a high level masterplan/concept framework.
Hyas are supporting a collaborative approach in scoping a masterplan framework that the landowners will prepare, working closely with the Council. It is intended that this will perform a dual role to both support the local plan process, and provide a robust basis for future potential planning applications.