Tools & shared resources
Helping local partners find solutions to issues and challenges
Hyas aim to disseminate knowledge and good practice for the benefit of all trying to bring forward large scale, complex schemes. Below are some key resources and tools available to the wider sector.
Garden City & Large Sites Financial Model
The Garden City & Large Sites (GCLS) Model is a financial model that can enable viability testing of long term, large scale sites. It is particularly relevant when thinking about future Garden Villages, Towns and Communities and can consider approaches to funding, investment and alternative delivery models, as well as provide overall evidence of scheme deliverability. It can be used early in the planning process, in line with the advice contained in the Planning Practice Guidance. A key aspect of the model is that it is ‘open’ in the sense that all parties can see all data and computations. It has been designed so that it can be used by relative non-professionals and without the requirement for specialist software.
Click here to download a copy of the User Guide which explains the model and it’s functionality. The model can be made available free to organisations who want to deploy it in a positive and transparent way, just contact us and we can discuss your requirements.
Planning Performance Agreements
Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) are a well established part of the planning process. When used well, they are an effective tool that can help establish positive, collaborative working practices between stakeholders, ultimately leading to more effective processes that can deliver quality outcomes. Hyas have been involved in a number of schemes which have included PPA structures to secure a joint working approach. To guide places that may be thinking about the approach, some guidance notes and a template agreement including potential schedules defining alternatives type of agreement are set out below. Contact us for more information.
The ATLAS Guide
The ATLAS Guide was created to provide advice and information to all those involved in the evolution and appraisal of proposals for large scale development through the planning process. The information was first published online as a web based resource in 2007 and was regularly updated online whilst the ATLAS service was operational. Its content was based upon the research of good practice and experience that ATLAS had gained from its project work on major projects.
The information was flexible enough to be applicable across a variety of different projects, at different stages and with different anticipated outcomes. Whilst the resource is no longer in formal use and does not kept up with Government policy or guidance, it still provides useful information across a range of topics and approaches to large scale projects. The ATLAS Guide can be accessed in the National Archives here.
Contact us for help , guidance and direct support to deploy our tools and resources