Project Description
- Project: Milton Keynes Delivery Mechanisms
- Location: Milton Keynes
- Client: Milton Keynes Council
- Accommodation: 25,000+ new homes
- Planning authority: Milton Keynes Council
- Started: 2022
- Completed: Ongoing
Hyas have been appointed by Milton Keynes Council to work alongside Officers as an expert advisor on delivery mechanisms. The work relates closely to the long term growth ambitions of the Council as set out in the Council’s Strategy for 2050, ongoing change in Central Milton Keynes, and the need for new transformational infrastructure including a future Mass Rapid Transit System across the city. The work is part of the DLUHC ‘New Development Corporations Competition’ to consider what type of delivery mechanims may be best aligned to address the needs.
Support will be provided to help the Council understand existing and future barriers to delivery across the range of development sites and typologies of future growth, identifing the requirements, capacities and resources that would best enable the delivery of the Council’s ambitions.
The work will explore the full range of delivery bodies, mechanisms, partnerships and approaches that are available or could be created and help to determine which mechanism (or mechanisms) are most appropriate to address the area’s specific challenges. The project will move on to set out and consider the full range of issues relating to the establishment and operation of any preferred approach, leading to the development of a business case/s to enable it’s implementation.