Project Description

  • Project:  St Cuthbert’s Garden Village
  • Location:  Carlisle
  • Client:  Carlisle City Council
  • Accommodation:  +10,000 new homes
  • Planning authority:  Carlisle City Council
  • Started:  2017
  • Completed:  Ongoing

Hyas have supported the City Council for a number of years, originally setting up project management and governance structures, providing key milestones and defining critical workstreams and the resource needs to deliver the new local plan in a masterplan driven way. Support has subsequently focussed on working closely with the Council and all main partners, to prepare a concept plan, vision and masterplan framework, that will underpin the Local Plan and define the type of place to be delivered. Our team has also helped to establish a local approach to scheme ‘design review’ and the preparation of a ‘Strategic Design Supplementary Planning Document’ which sets out design principles and guidance to secure high quality outcomes. We are also currently leading on the preparation of a St Cuthbert’s Design Code, as part of  the National Model Design Code Pathfinder Programme.

As well as masterplanning and planning support, Hyas are helping to develop innovative models of funding and delivery, including securing several high profile grant funding allocations the most notable of which has been a £107m Housing Infrastructure Fund allocation.

Key deliverables which we have directly supported include:

  • Preparation and adoption of the Strategic Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (Commended at the RTPI NW 2021 Excellence in Plan Making Award)
  • Stage 1 and 2 Masterplanning process (critical friend role)
  • Landscape Competition project management (with the Landscape Institute)
  • Ongoing development team approach support – design assessment, applicant and developers’ engagement, design review
  • Scoping the establishment of a potential development corporation and commissioning a range of technical work to explore an appropriate mechanism

Governance review