Hyas Associates have been awarded a number of new commissions recently related to strategic sites and achieving design quality. Some of our recent new commissions include:
South Staffordshire Strategic Development Frameworks
We are very pleased to share that we are working with South Staffordshire Council and site developers to prepare Strategic Development Frameworks for four proposed strategic housing allocations. Our role involves working collaboratively across all parties and stakeholders, to ensure quality place making through the process, advising and leading on engagement, and setting a vision and objectives for each site. An important output of this work will be to demonstrate that the overall masterplanning process is sufficiently advanced to prove that the sites are deliverable at the point of the Local Plan Review Regulation 19 Publication consultation later this year.
National Model Design Code Pathfinders – St Cuthberts Garden Village
Following our successful support to three of the National Model Design Code pilot projects, Hyas are delighted to be supporting Carlisle City Council in preparing a new design code for St Cuthbert’s Garden Village, as part of the recently announced DLUHC Design Code Pathfinder programme. Hyas will work with Open and Civic Engineers, together with a number of consultancies already engaged on St Cuthbert’s, to produce a ground breaking Design Code, that will look to define and guide the quality of future development expected in St Cuthbert’s. The code will build on the award winning Strategic Design Guide that Hyas have already prepared for the City Council and will explore how the design code content can be embedded in the emerging Local Plan.
Meecebrook Garden Settlement
Hyas have been commissioned by Stafford Borough Council, to undertake a review of and advise on deliverability factors affecting the proposed new Garden Settlement at Meecebrook. In particular, we will be working with the local authority to advise on how to align the proposals with the emerging local plan for the Borough, drawing on our experience of strategic site allocations and garden settlement planning from across England. The commission also involves advising on future masterplanning work, to ensure a high quality, comprehensive community is delivered.