Latest news & updates
Opportunities to work on some of the most exciting initiatives in delivering future places, communities and growth
Welcome Tom!
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Tom James as part of the growing Hyas Associates team. Tom will be based in our Birmingham office at The STEAMhouse, but will work nationally in his role as Associate Director. He [...]
Join us for an insightful online event, Delivering on Design Coding and Quality webinar!
We're excited to announce our third webinar on design coding for local authority officers, coming in February! Building on the success of our previous sessions and the insights we've gained since, this webinar will explore practical approaches to delivering on [...]
New Commission: Doncaster Masterplan Refresh
We’re thrilled to announce that we been successful in bidding for the Urban Centre Masterplan Refresh for Doncaster Council! This exciting project is being led by The Urbanists, whose proven expertise in town and city centre regeneration will be invaluable. [...]
Welcome Stuart
Hyas are pleased to welcome Stuart Crossen to the team! Stuart joins us as a Principle Consultant and has over 15 years experience in both public and private sector, working across Development Management, Planning Policy and as a Planning Inspector. [...]
Hyas Associates has become a 100% employee-owned company
We are excited to announce that Hyas Associates Ltd has become a 100% employee-owned company, with the shares held in Trust for the benefit of all current and future employees. Since its founding in 2017, Hyas Associates Ltd has [...]
Project Update and Social Value
South Staffordshire Council Projects Update Our team had been busy progressing our work with South Staffs District Council, supporting in progressing their emerging strategic sites. We recently completed a comprehensive design assessment and workshop for Phase 2 North of [...]
New Comissions of 2023
Letchworth Hyas are supporting North Herts District Council in bringing forward a masterplan for the 900 home strategic site allocation immediately to the North of Letchworth. The masterplan is being prepared by Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation and [...]
Plan-making reforms consultation – laudable ambitions but too short sighted?
This week marks the closing date on the consultation on the Government proposals for reforms to plan making in England (at midnight on 18th October). If implemented as described, the proposed reforms would be a significant change to not only [...]
Think piece: Is Design Coding Effective at the Strategic Level?
Our article last year on the hot topic of design codes looked at interpreting national coding at the local level (link). In the last 18 months Hyas have been involved in the government’s national Design Code Pathfinder Programme. During that [...]
Local Heroes – Getting the most out of a new Planning Supersquad
Everyone has taken great interest in Gove’s speech on Monday 24th July, with plenty debate and discussion amongst practitioners about what it means and what impact it may have. One element that is particularly of interest was the proposal for [...]