Project Description
- Project:Chesham Regeneration Strategy
- Location: Chesham, Buckinghamshire
- Client: BE Group (sub contracted to BE Group for Bucks Council)
- Accommodation: n/a
- Planning authority: Buckinghamshire Council
- Started: April 2022
- Completed: September 2022

Hyas were working with BE Group and Optimised Environments (Open) to develop a Regeneration Strategy that will guide a coordinated and comprehensive approach to the regeneration of Chesham town centre, on behalf of Buckinghamshire Council. This strategy will be evolved alongside local stakeholders and the community, to set out the priorities for regeneration and investment in Chesham town centre. It will provide a strategic framework for the Council to work alongside its key public, private and community sector partners to bring about the change needed for Chesham to realise its full potential as an attractive and sustainable town.
In particular, Hyas was responsible the preparation of an engagement plan, working closely with the Council to undertake a visioning exercise, and providing critical friend review on town planning and urban design aspects of the strategy.