Hyas Associates have been awarded a number of new commissions recently across England to help Councils bring forward important local strategic sites. Our approach to each project draws from our broad range of expertise and brings together the most appropriate blend of in-house experience and like-minded collaborators to deliver effective services for clients. Some of our recent new commissions include:
West of Harrogate
Hyas have been appointed by Harrogate Borough Council to provide planning, infrastructure and governance advice in relation to a series of strategic sites to the west of Harrogate. The sites are allocated in the approved Harrogate Local Plan and the Council are currently working collaboratively with the landowners and developers to prepare a comprehensive masterplan framework for the area, to co-ordinate comprehensive placemaking. Hyas will be working with the Council and landowners/developers to clarify the infrastructure requirements and deliverability of the framework, together with advising on planning application implementation going forward.
North Hertfordshire Strategic Sites
North Hertfordshire District Council has appointed Hyas to provide direct project support/advice on progressing a number of separate strategic sites in light of their emerging policies within the draft Local Plan.
The required support will include advising on both strategic issues in dealing with large scale, complex sites along with specific projects. This could include support such as project management, masterplanning, infrastructure and delivery. The aim is to help establish effective pre-application and application stages for proposals, working collaboratively with Council officers, promoters/landowner teams and other key stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes.
Forth Yards, Newcastle upon Tyne
Homes England have appointed Hyas to facilitate a collaborative workshop to formulate a vision for a major city centre regeneration site in Newcastle Upon Tyne, known as Forth Yards. Working with Homes England, Newcastle City Council and all key landowners, Hyas will use their experience and placemaking skills to help to shape a vision that articulates the shared aspirations for this exciting regeneration opportunity, providing a basis for collaborative working going forward into delivery.