Project Description
- Project: Culm Garden Village
- Location: Mid Devon
- Client: Mid Devon District Council
- Accommodation: 5,000 new homes
- Planning authority: Mid Devon District Council
- Started: 2017
- Completed: Ongoing
Hyas have been supporting Mid Devon Council for several years to provide project management, strategic planning, and general critical friend support to progress a large Garden Village of circa 5,000 homes.
Hyas have been acting as project managers on the project on behalf of the Council and are working closely with officers providing support to bring the site effectively through the planning system. The site is partly allocated through the Local Plan, with further growth potential under the emerging Local Plan review.
Our support has extended into considerations relating to funding and delivery, including ongoing liaison with the key landowners, and providing assistance in securing funding via the Housing Infrastructure Fund including viability and deliverability analysis.
Key deliverables we have managed/provided a critical friend role to date include:
- Culm Garden Village Vision and Concept Document
- Stage 1 draft East Cullompton Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document
- Management of external commissions, such as the Future Mobility Strategy and viability assessment
- On-going governance, stakeholder and public engagement and consultation
- Co-ordination with wider workstreams, such as the Local Plan and Devon County highways matters
Successful procurement of Stage 2 masterplanning process (ongoing)